April 22, 2010

We finished the molds yesterday. Here's a nice picture of them installed in a line of presses. It took a little longer than I had hoped, but not too long considering the additional requirements that were added & the other interuptions that stole time away from this project.
I look forward to the day when I see one of these delineator bases out in "the real world"!

January 5, 2010

Update since I lost my password :/

Yikes! it's been a long time, lets just get right into it:
I made this mold for a company in Orange County:

The mold makes these parts:

Things got slow at work so I made a billet skateboard:

And inlaid it with wood...

Stained it & rode it to the beach...

Then my neighbor took some studio photos of it:

Meanwhile back at work I got a new project: design a new recycled rubber road cone base:

Here's the mold I designed. The part cures at a 2:1 compression ratio in the lower half of the mold (the cavity). When the mold opens the part sticks to the top half (the core). A burst of air releases the part from the core.

The part extracted and ejected from the mold exactly like I designed it to, but we decided to float the part out with compressed air rather than pull it out with the opening motion of the press.  - Something about the safety of launching 16lb. cured parts off of the mold?!?  With the prototype proven & the design settled on we'll be starting production tomorrow on about 20 of these molds.